Just found out that my publisher, Abrams, is planning on releasing Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules on January 15, 2008!
I'm excited, because that's four months earlier than I thought it would be released.
I'm hard at work on the second book. The cover art could change, but I'm pretty sure this is what we're going with. Let me know what you think!
1 – 200 of 233 Newer› Newest»I can't wait for the book to come out!!!Is it going to be on the internet or only in the store?IT BETTER BE BOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OR ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope I can read the book really soon!I can't wait for it to come out!!!!!This year should go fast if I forget about the book.Even if it takes a lot to forget!!!!LOL.
I really like the first book so i am possitive i will love this one!
Okay so I totally love your
books because they are so on fire
I mean wow their just so beautiful to look att I mean like oh my gosh.
I just lovee youu !
I hope you love me!
( L )
Okay well i love your books!
they are my favorite series and i wish your books would come out sooner!
they are so gorgeous!!!
i hope you approve my comment because its like the most beautifulist one there!!!!!!
you are like,
soooo pretty.
i love you soo much!
your books are soo amazing!!
almost more amazing than my
i love you!!!
My brother and I just finished the first book and practically loved it! Instead of having the cheese touch, we have the book touch. It's an old stinky book that no one has moved! LOL. Thanks so much for writing the 2nd one! We can't wait to read it!!!!!!
omg :o
i luv ure books!
i have book 1
even though i read it 7 times already it is still fun to read.
i cant wait for the next one
i haven't read the first but i'm hoping i will.
I can't wait. I just finshed reading you'r first book it was awsome it is my favorite book:)
I like the cover art! Pretty funny/cool. I've only read the first book when my friend let me borrow it for a morning...and I read the whole thing. Every other day I read like a month of it on funbrain.com
Hi. I wish you the best luck for book two ^.^
I am reading the book 1 online, I hope I will be able to finish it soon XD you have such a wicked sense of humor =) you are my fave! keep it up ^^
This book rocks!!!!!!!!!!! I am looking forward to the next one!
i lik ur blog
i like your blog
i love your book so do all my friends!!!!! we cant wait for the second one to come out ,.....it sounds sooo cool i hope you come out with more books too..like a 3rd one and a forth one and on and on,..,see ya bye
I like the cover! It rocks! Keep on writing!
I loved theh first book! I would love it if the second book was also on Funbrain.
i love it so i love it
I only read a little bit of the first book and I can't wait to read the rest and then read the second book
I bought this book for one of my sons. I could hear him at night laughing out loud. I really think he could relate to alot of what Greg was going through. We wrote one of our summer book reports for the first time with no problems he was excited to share this book. We can't waite for the 2nd
Mom in Maryland
i loved your 1st book.please post the 2nd book on funbrain! thanks and you rock.
I've been reading your first book to my four boys, ages 13, 10, 6, and 5. They love it! We all laugh out loud, especially when it reminds us of our family. Keep writing. We're definitely buying more!!!!
I can't wait till Book 2 comes out.I am still reading Book 1 because I have been very busy lately.Can't Wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look Zoo Wee Mama is the funnies thing i have ever read in my life Can't WAIT TO SEE YOUR NEXT BOOK two thumbs up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Mr. Wimpy kid
your book is the best book I've read this year. How do You come up with such good ideas? I can't wait for Diary of a wimpy kid Rodrick rules!
I drove my librarians crazy because I kept asking them to buy the first book, I guess now I'll have to do it all over agian!!!
It's TOTALLY worth it.
i just finsh reading your first book I hope you make more I will try to read more of your books if you make some
My 10 yr old son HATES to read. Getting him to read is like pulling teeth. We found the first Wimpy Kid book at the bookstore two days ago and he JUST FINISHED IT! Yesterday he read for FOUR hours. That is UN-heard of!! Thank you, Mr. Kinney and keep them coming!!!
The first book rocked eggs so im
sure this one will rock eggs too!
I loved your book soooo much it was
the best book that I read all year!
And the cover of the second book looks awesom!
I just want you to know I love your books!You inspired me to keep my one jornal and diary of a wimpy kid captured my purfectly Thank you.
LOL I LOVE the first book. I actually met you at the Book Expo and got a copy signed for my son - but I'm about to take it back from him so it will be taken good care of (and so I can read it again). ha ha
I can't wait for Book Two - what wonderful news! I was just asking him if he finished reading it (no, it was under his bed and he just found it *sigh*) and was reminded of your site!
THe diary of the wimpy kid inspired me to write my own book. it's just truly funny and cool. by the way good drawings!
Really enjoyed Book 1 and am looking forward to Book2.
Also, check out the last line of this New York Times article from today, it has a positive reference to Book 1 :
Roderick RuLES
Omgsh. I loved that book ♥♥
i will get it when it come out.but my mom might not remember!LOL
please make the new book august 15,2007 because iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii cantttttttttttttt WAIT.
i loved ur book so much every morning i would go 2 the computer!
AND NOW A ANOUTHER 1!!!AAAWWWSSSOOOM! just cant wait! pleeze hurry with the book
Mr. Kinney -- I JUST became aware of the "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" series. <-- not sure where i've been! The first book was featured in Borders Books newsletter. I've read several of the entries from Day 1 on (as many as i could get away with at work) and they remind me a lot of my childhood. By Jove, I think I'll buy the book! Much success to you and Greg and Roderick and Kool and the Gang and...
Eric Sykes
I cant wait for Diary of a Wimpy kid 2 to come out I am soooooooooooooo gonna buy it
can you have an early release on "Rodrick Rules"
or is that impossible
I bought Diary of a Wimpy Kid for my son this past Friday. i gave it to him when I picked him up from school- He read 91 pages that evening - ON A FRIDAY! He started school on Monday and I thought for sure he would want to get home and play, but all he wanted to do was read. In fact, we rented a limo for him and his friends on saturday for a special event and he wanted to know if he could take the book in the car with him to read. We assured him the book would be waiting for him when he got home. He asked if you had written any other books, so he will be soooo excited to find out another one is in the works! Thanks for making it easier for us to help foster a love of reading in our children!
I'm in the middle of reading the first book. It's pretty good. And I'm PROUD of Manny. He reminds me of himself when I was his age. I took bikini magazines to show and tell ALL the time. And now, I never have to go to school again! I think it's a reward for bringing in such a good show and tell. "Expulsion" as they call. Anyway, you're a way better author than J.K. Rowling! WRITE MANY MANY MANY MANY WIMPY KID BOOKS!
Ditto of lots of the other comments. I love the book and am sure I will love the second one too.
I wrote you a few weeks ago (thank you for the response) about the book and said that I'm in the beginning stages of writing my own book-- maybe one day we'll be rivals on the top ten list of best selling books. ;) Congrats on all of your success and future successes. You are very talented. I hope that my books turn out as interesting.
Kim P.
this is the best book i`ve ever read it is FAB
wow cant wait to read the new book
it sucs really really bad
It sounds soooo exciting!
From the moment I picked up your book at my son's school book fair I knew it would a good book to read not only does he like it I love it....Job well done
I just read part of Diary.
Never heard of it before today.
Texas Teacher
I LOVE Diary of a Wimpy Kid when its online, but in the book you changed it a LOT! Like when Shelley asked Greg to pass a note to her friend, the note used to say "Greg is a Goober". now it says "Greg is Dumb".....There a lot of things you changed in the book. I like the online version though.
I am a middle school teacher and just happened across Diary of a Wimpy Kid while I was book shopping for my high school son. What a great book!!! This is one I will definitely keep in my classroom and recommend to my students. Thank you for your originality and for your honesty in what is to be a (smart) middle school kid who really doesn't "fit in."
I love ur books/internet storys the are great but never found out about the books until today XD.
Hi Im just starting your 1st book and its really good I cant put it down! I cant wait untill book 2 im trying to read it as fast as i can. Cant wait untill january 15th im telling my mom to drive really fast to borders or barnes & noble.
I tired out my voice i was laughing so much it's actually raspy
Zoo Wee Mama!!!
Rowley is really really well portrayed he has started to get on my nerves too.
I love your book! CAn you send me one special with your autograph? I read your book in two days straight! I just couldn't put it down! Thanks, Jake Burke, Age 9 and 1/2
you rock man
I used to read the online version, and i was really happy when I saw the book finally make it to the shelves. Jeff, you have outdone yourself. I really would like for you to continue the online version. Please. I'm begging you.
I loveed nub one but it took me 3 days to read it
man this is the only book i read because i wantd too
im gonna buy it
i wish there was a tv show
This is really great!As soon as I heard this was on the internet,I shot off to the computer!I hope book2 comes soon!(:
Jeff Kinney is Diary of a wimpy kid becoming a 5 book series? also on the web version of Diary of a wimpy kid, is it all 5 books put in one?
My son just bought Diary of a Wimpy Kid at our Scholastic Book Fair. He is absolutely excited about reading the book, and about sharing the illustrations with us.
I'm thrilled that book 2 will be out soon for him. I know he will read through that very quickly. Are there plans for book 3 yet?
Keep up the great work. The kids are reading! Yay!
will it be on funbrain?
is it going to be on funbrain?
that is so cool. i love wimpy kid.
Book two,..............that should be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant wait.I read on the book that Rodrick usually slips out of trouble.It will have to rock!!!!!!!I swear if I can not im going to hate myself. From Mr. Mystery.
I just finished the first book- and I loved it! Can't wait until next year!
We have been struggling to find a book that our son would read....a couple of days ago we brought home your book, and he hasn't put it down. It is GREAT to know that book two is coming out.....will more follow? My son Bryan(8yr) says, "I love your books! The illustrations are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I
can't wait for the second book to come out, I bet it will be GREAT!"
P.S. We love the front cover of the new book too!
Mom in San Jose, CA. and Bryan
My friend is letting me borrow her copy of Diary of a Wimpy Kid.It is so awesome.I am working on finishing it right now.I'm almost done with it.I'm going to tell my mom that she just has to go buy it for me as soon as it comes out.
I can't wait to read this book. I loved the first one!
Aloha!!! I can't wait until i get 2 get the second book but somehow my friend has it which is kind of wierd but....... anyway i love 2 get 2 the second book as soon as possible. Anyway....try come 2 hawaii 2 do some signing!!!!^.^
DIARY OF A WIMPY KID RULES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.............RULES
I LOVE the internet version and the actual book version of DIARY OF A WIMPY KID!!! I TOTOLLY can't wait untill the next book comes out!!!!!
I loved Diary of a Wimpy kid!It is awesome. I read it in 2 days.I can't wait for rodrick rules to come out.I hope it's as good as the first one.
Honestly, I think it looks awesome.
I'm so reading it.
Do you already have ideas for a third book? The first book is awesome!!! I can't wait to get the second book!!
Do you have any ideas for a third book? I love the first book, can't wait to see the second!!!
I like blue betr than rd but book #1 is stil awsome! Jeff u r a genius! hav the book online and then turn it into a published book... it gives a chance for kids to like it befor they buy the book!
The first one was a strikingly red one, & the 2nd.. a nice dark blue one, looks cute & nice too!
i very love it
I Read Diary of a Wimpy kid and it was GREAT I could Not stop reading it! I loved it so much I read it more then I watched TV, or used my DS. I finished the book in one day! My favorite page was the one were it says:
Dear, Aunt Loretta
Thank you for the awsome pants!
How did you know what I wanted for christmas? I love the way the pants looks on my legs !
All my friends will be so jeaolus than I have my very own pants .
Thankyou for making this the best Christmas ever!
Sincerly, Greg
I can't wait for the book to come out!The first one was awesome.
It is sooooo funny we love zoo wee mama.
Book 1 was amazing i read it on 2 days!!! i cant wait for book two to come out.
his book is for all ages.i can't find a book like it.can't wait for jan 15.i hope times flys.i 30 years old and never like reading books.never pick one up..my brothers is 10 years old and he pick this this book up .please keep making books like this.
p.s time to touch the cheese :)
I will Always Read Wimpy Kid!!!!!!!!!!!
i have a ? for all ? y was the hole thing was not in the book.what on the internet..will you bring the hole thing in one book are you just puting parts in each book.so the hole web page will be in each book.it just in parts please fill me in with this
I can not wait the first day the other book came out I had my mom drive me to barnes and noble after school
your first book is great so far I have been reading it on funbrain I can not wait to finish it and read the second .
I would KILL to get book 2!!!
hey i love ur book i cant wait for the second one to come out!!!!!!!!! PLEASE POST IT ONLINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi i love diary of a wimpy kid ive read it like 20 times but every time its still funny!
I love diary of a wimpy kid it is very funny. Since it is a hard cover book my teacher lets me read it. I also like the cover.
i love ur books
i cant wait till january 15,2008
ill be shore to read it
I cant wait till ur new book comes out ! Were will it be sold tho?
Love the book I am on the last 7 pages! I think it is really funny! For the cover of the second book, I imagine Rodrick flexing his bicep muscles instead of pushing Greg down. Either way it will be great!
lol :) Ryan :0
this is awsome I just finished the first
I RELLY like the first book, so I can't wait for the second book. I wish you could give an autographed book to everyone that left you a comment!!
dear jeff,
i'm so excited about your new book! i just finished the first one today and i loved it! hope your new book is just as much of a hit as the first "journal"!
good luck,
eddie :^)
i want to read it so so bad
I RELLY like the first book, so I can't wait for the second book. I wish you could give an autographed book to everyone that left you a comment!!
Dear Diary of a wimpy kid,
Let me just tell you one of the most important things that I really think that you should put in your diary is thay Kim and Julia and you like cheese doughnuts and we like bread with cream cheese, ham and blueberry jam on top!
i cant believe they made rowley eat the cheese
I want the next book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I must have it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !
Lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I really need it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I need it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I need it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't wait for book 2 to come out because I have read Diary Of A WIMPY Kid like 100 times.
♥OMG!! Im waiting until ur second book comes out so I can read both books at the same time! Book2 looks like a great b-day present!♥
I love the first one, and I am sure I will love the second one! I read it in about 2 hours and 3 minutes or so.
Everyone at my school ordered it or bought it from book fair.
I will have to tell them to look out for book 2... :D
i luv yr bks and im rlly ekcitd fr the nxt 1
I loved your first book and I cant wait for your second book. If you do a third book can you make it really long because I looooooooooooooooooooove looooooooong books
I've bought the book and I think you should make a 2 in 1 for book 2 for those who haven't read number 1. That way it'll be way clearer than if they started Rodrick Rules before they read #1.
I read the first one and my favorite part was when Manny drew a self portrait on the wall. i'm hoping the second one is 10 times better. i can not imagine how good it would be if it was only ten times better then the first. You should make a third one about Rowley. Then the the fourth about manny!
tell us more about it. i think it will be a great book.
i cannot wait for the new book!!!!!! i know it will just be sooooo totally awesome!!!!! and hope u put it on the internet bcuz it will be easier to read!!anyway i soooo cant wait until it comes out!! Keep writing!!(plz)
i like the cheese
I just can not wait for the next book because I read the first one and it was funny with Zoo-Wee Mama.
send me a copy of book 2
U r the best author EVER!!!!! Love ur books and everything!!!. It's too bad that u cant stop by at Georgia.
i luv ur books!!!
I can't wait!!! I've already read the first one(it's good)...lol i'm gonna read it in 1 day!!! =] man to bad you can't come to Gerogia...=[
wow another one cannot wait my friends and I read #1 one and cant' wait for the 2nd one to come out please keep your fingers crossed it will be on the internet!!!!!!!!!!!
i can't wait until it comes out!!! and can anoymants shut up?(just kidding) kkk fast!!!!!!i waiting~~~!!
I love your book! It rocked! Almost every single kid in our class did Diary of a Wimpy kid in our class! And you'll never beleive this. I told kids in my class that there is going to be a second book and everyone SCREAMED at the top of there lungs.
i love diary of a wimpy kid book1
so i bet every 1 will love book2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! November 25, 2007 11:19
Why would it only be on internet?
i wanna read 1 of these books so bad! luckily my bookfair is this week and they are selling them!
it looks and sounds like a good book. i hope it is as good as the first.
ZOO-WEE MAMA! YES! I'm so excited! I randomly picked up the first book, saw it had cartoons in it, and immediately realized "this is the book for me!!" Now my sister and i quote it non-stop. IT'S SO FUNNY!!
P.S. "They made Rowley _ _ _ the cheese" HAHA
I lllooovvveee your book.There rad!!I canT what for book #2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I heard book #3 is coming out FALL 2008!and thats there going to be 5 books!!!If only they came out sooner.:):[]AGIAN,YOUR BOOKS ARE GREAT
:^)you rooooooock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just read the first one..LOL cant wait for the second book.."maybe it can be a 15 days after new years gift"...
I cant weight for the 2nd book to come out how much longer it is tacking forever to come out
I cant weight for the 2nd book to come out how much longer it is tacking forever to come out
The first book was so good my dad even started to read it, he even recommended it to one of his freinds at work. To me your books are the world, when "Rodrick Rules" comes out the first thing i'm gonna do on Jan. 15 2008 is get your new and improved book,which I won't have much luck with since it will be flying off the shelfs of all of the bookstores in N.Y.C . Thank you for writing these wonderful, spectacular books of yours Jeff Kinney,
Simon, Your biggest fan!
P.S: Almost everyone in my school is reading "Diary of a Wimpy Kid"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I loveeedd the first book Diary of A Wimpy kid i read it like twice and i sure hope this is a good book and ill like this one 2
Woo! Book 2!
Jeff the book diary of a wimpy kid was awesome!!!!!!!! I cant wait until
the second book comes out. I think the cover for the 2nd book looks very cool and you should go with that design!!!!!!!!
book what book i thought this was chesse fan site? :) kidding i would like to read book two
p.s. (faires rule)
Go figure this one out:
My 10 year old gets 100+ on all grades but hates to read books.
I took my older daughter who struggles to get B's for grades reads non-stop.
I took my two daughters and my oldest friend to the book store. My youngest bought your book and won't put it down. Praise God ... we have something she likes to read.
Thank you
this was a really good book i cant wait to read the other one
I am so excited! I picked up "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" on whim at work one day (I work at a bookstore.) and I almost read the whole thing during my lunch break. I love it! I recommend it all the time now. Horray! Good work Mr. Kinney.
Hey Jeff!
Both my kids (Aaron age 12 and Eva age 9) have read and loved your book. I am the librarian at our K-8 school on Martha's Vineyard and Wimpy Kid was the best-selling book in our book fair this past fall. One of our third grade teachers told me your book was the one that finally got EVERYONE engrossed in a book of choice for independent reading time. We are all eagerly awaiting Book Two. Thanks for your gift of Wimpy Kid.
SWEET BOOK! I LOVE IT AND EVEN MY LITTLE KITTY! G.I.Z.M.O! hehe heres his face =^.^=
dude i love the book! i will never stop readin it
Me and my friend Chris bought this at our book fair and read it after school and we made a book club a couple hours later we finished and agreed it was the BEST book ever.
dont cha wish your girlfreind was hot like me? i love your book..yo!
the first book was really funny, I'm sure the 2nd will be just as good if not better! I hope this one is also on the internet though. Good luck with your new book, I can't wait to read it!
Visit my blog!
dont cha... dont cha wish your girlfriend was fat lke me ... sweet book again..heha
1...2...3...4....5...6..7...8...9......10! here it is! diary of a wimpy kid
hi dude
On the twelfth day of Christmas my children gave to me:
twelve plumbers plumbing,
eleven diaper wipings,
ten Fords a-beeping,
nine songs they can't sing,
eight ways of belching,
seven tons of washing,
six teeth decaying,
five dozen screams,
four appalling words,
three drenched friends,
two snotty gloves,
and a cartridge in a fir tree!
I love your book Diary of a Wimpy Kid and i can not wait of the new one ps. i think it is funny
I can't wait for Rodrick Rules! You're an awesome writer! I read the first book like fifteen times!!!
The first book was great
It rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It ROCKED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is soooooooo cool a second one is coming out!!!! i am sooo excited and it is coming out four days before my bday!!!
The first book ROCKED
moo cows rool and drool on my cool.. =) nice bookas
Come on JEFF just deliver the Diary of a wimpy kid#2 to book stores as sooooooooooon as you can cause I want to read it oh, yah I think you should keep the cover of the second book I REALLEY LIKE IT!
i thinkk it is a realy nice cover beecuse it maces the first book
love your biggest fan sydney smith
I think the cover looks good. I can't wait until the new book comes out. I hope i am one of the first people to buy it. I am already reading the first one. It is good so far.
The first book rocked!!!I think you should keep the cover.PLEASE PUT IT ON THE INTERNET OR FUNBRAIN!!!
I have read the first book and it was GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!So if Jeff can make the best cartoon novel ever,this second one will become the BEST CARTOON NOVEL THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi I love your books. They're so popular I relly want your second book. Do you know when your third book is coming out. And I just can't wait untill you come to my school ___________ in _____________. The blanks/___________ are my personal iformation just incase you or somebody didn't know. IF SOMEBODY KNOWS WHEN THE THIRD COMES OUT PLEASE TELL ME!! The first booked rocked so all the others will to.
OMG I LOVE UR BOOKS THEY R SO GRAET I MEAN I READ THE 1 ONE it was good i laguhd so hard i cryd it was so funny
omg. omg. omg. like omg. THE diary of THE wimpy kid...TWO...is about to come out!! like OH. EM. GEEEEE!! I am like SO totally exCIted! like gosh!
i cant wait for book 3,4,5
I like the book.
I think it's good.
It was a great book to read. I couldn't put it down once I started. Oh Yeah!
This is the Greatest book!! Me and my friends heart it!!
wimpy kid book!I talked to you at canal school! I,m the guy with the shark shirt that was talking about FUNBRAIN! You are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
I want to get my own diary of a
I am wondering if Jeff Kinney would come to our school? We can't afford to pay him big money but we sold 150 copies of his new book in 4 days! I think that is worth a visit!!
Lil G
Parkwood Elementary
Beavercreek Ohio
I just have to get book 3!!!
Cool Book Dude!
you are the coolest man is their going to be a another series
I think this book is da bom!!!I lllloooovvvvveeeeee # 2 too.I hop ya com out with da3 soon.lovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelove your books.
I already have diary of a wimpy kid 1 and 2. i already read them. their so funny and AwesOmE!I really never read your books until in Febuary. Can't wait for the third one: Diary Of A Wimpy Kid- The Last Straw.
hey my name is alec.I love diary of a wimpy kid!my dad also has a blog also has a blog.You can visit it right?search for a womans brain o.k! hope you like it!!!!!!!!!!!!
What color is the Last Straw gonna be.Maybe purple would be cool.Just do what's best ur the author. P.s i like ur books Also come to Shoreline Christian School in Austin Texas.Please!
Ok. Diary of the Wimpy Kid 1 and 2, the funniest book ever! Can't wait for #3!
When is your next book coming out.
When is book three coming out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love your first and secand book and I cant wate until the third book comeing out diary of a wimpy kid the last straw comes out
What day is the last straw coming out? I really liked your first book.
And maybe you can make the next book green.
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