I'm hearing from a lot of people who say that they've been able to find the book in stores.
But some stores haven't quite gotten it yet. At the Borders near me, the book is still "in transit," which means it might be another few days.
Some people have mentioned that the book is different from what's on the web. That's true! The book on the web was 1,300 pages long. My publisher decided to split it up into
three books of 224 pages each. The next two books come out in 2008 and 2009. I'm hoping there will be more books after that!
Also, the writing and pictures are a little different. And I think they're both much better. Creating a print version gave me the opportunity to improve the storytelling and drawings. I think you'll like the results!
If you're looking for the book this weekend, good luck! But if you can't find it, it should be available in a few days!
And you can always get the book