I'm excited about book 4: Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days. It comes out on October 12th!
It was a lot of fun to write this book, because for the first time, I took Greg out of the school setting and put him smack in the middle of summer vacation.
I'm going to announce my summer tour schedule soon. Check WimpyKid.com to see if I'm coming to your town!
1 – 200 of 652 Newer› Newest»Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
psh. Finally you post something! :) ha ha... Can't wait for this book!
Hooray! This book is going to be great. It's going to be so fun to read it out of the school setting (though it's really funny that way too). Good luck, Mr. Kinney! :)
WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Diary of a Wimpy Kid 4 is Coming out WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Plus Dog Day's is Also Followed Bye My Last Year (2010) WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Awesome! I'm gonna try to buy it the day it comes out! If not, I'd have Pre-Orderd it! I'm so curious to see how Greg spends his Summer Vacation! I have all tho other books, too! (Even the D-I-Y Book!)
Cant wait till next month!
I cant wait for forth book i bet it the best yet!
I love these books. Can't wait
I know this book is gonna be cool! You rule!
Hey I love all of the books ive read all of them in a day they are great I even posted it on m blog to so check it out the blog name is weird though can't wait to read it.
Hi, Mr Kinney. I'm from Philippines and my sons (ages 7, 8 and 10) are aware of Book 4 coming out this year. They enjoy reading and re-reading the first 3 books. Although in our culture, there are some words that my sons know are not suitable for them (i. e., moron, etc.), generally the book is a fun read. My eldest son is now encouraged to write his own diary (i haven't read them coz he seals every entry). My boys are not crazy over Harry Potter books/movies so I'm really glad that my sons can read other books that makes them laugh, in addition to required reading of classics like Secret Garden, Huckleberry Finn, etc. for their English literature subjects:-)
I am an Australian Wimpy Kid fan, and I've recently seen pictures of your summer reading Ice Cream truck tour. The people look like they're getting not only ice-cream, but books in little plastic shopping bags, and HOW far before the release date?
Don't get me wrong, I love Wimpy Kid, but getting books over a month and a half before the release date seems unfair to the people in other countries who don't get all the cross-country tours that Americans get
cant wait, ur beast
Great can't wait to get my hands on it. Better be good. Just kidding, Hope you make more books,For Me of course. It's good to finally read some thing i enjoy, because i love, LOVE to write and I HATE all those books and kid novels that are pictureless and plan-old dull. Your an inspiration to me! Keep On writing Mr. KInney
I am soooooo excited about the new book I am going to get it the first day it comes out!!! (if I can) I bet it will be one the best ones yet.
I can't wait 2 read it!!!!!!!=)
I think book 3 was a great book and im sure this one will be awesome too.
I love the "Wimpy Kid" series, and I already saw the display for it at my local Barnes & Noble, and I couldn't take my eyes off it. Good cover choice, and I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!
-bgamer595 (my Miniclip.com screen name)
Cant wait. Good cover choice.
Greg's, Journal, Rodrick Rules, The Last Straw, Dog Days, and My Last Year?!
heylo, I'm JAckiE, from Malaysia.
I just got a chance to bought Wimpy 1 & 2... I LOVE it, both~!!!and Wimpy 3 aren't around yet~
hope the other two will reach my town soon!!!
Hi Jeff! In the game Dragon Fist 3: Age of the Warrior, you can create your Diary of a Wimpy Kid characters in the game. The website is www.dragonfist3.com. I hope you like the game. Also, I think this 4th book will be a best seller.
Hi, Mr Jeff Kinney!
Your books are really great. I've read Book 1 - Book 4.
They're really great.
I can see at all bookstore are selling Diary of a wimpy kid, some people are even holding your book on their hand ready to buy it.
Mr Jeff Kinney, thanks for your awesome book. Can you please make more books and don't stop it? I can't wait for book 4!
Thanks alot for your book, Mr JEFF KINNEY!
hey... can I what is the difference between "Amulet" and "puffinbooks" ??? thx~
I know i am 8years old but i have all of the diary of a wimpy kid books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I jist love the wimpy kid books!!!!
I JIST CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FINALLY ITS OUT SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't wait till diary of a whimpy kid dog days(4)comes out! Every day seems so long waiting for it to finally come out. I bought every single book and the do it yourself book. Cant wait till it comes out!
i've read and OWN alll the books! They are the best books invented in the world! I've re-read them each 6 times. NO JOKE! Jeff Kinney will not let you put the book down with these fulfilling wonderful hilarious books. Can't Wait for your new 4th and 5th book!
Heyy! I'm a Japenese girl who happens to love your books! I can't wait till your new book comes out!! Keep writing and NEVER STOP writing Mr. Kinney. Your hilarious! I will love these books FOR-EVER!
awesome! I can't wait! I got everything, book 1, 2, and 3. I am sooo excited!!
I love your books. I have them all and can't wait for Book 4. I have a suggestion. After this series, maybe you could do a book from Holly Hill's perspective, or something like that.
Thank You.
Jacob Vela
Mr. Kinney a lot of the kids on our class can't wait for your next book. We are a class in Ottawa, Canada at South March Public School. We are working on becoming good writers too and have set up a class blog at mrssmith.ca Maybe someday you will see our stories published.
Mrs Smith's class
I can't wait till october!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can't wait!
i can't wait!!!!!!!!! i love your books! they are very interesting
So, glad, my daughter reads the first three over and over. We went to the beach and she read book 3, three times. The pages are wearing.....She even took it to lunch at school to read and they took it away... No reading in the Lunch Room.. She also reads it in her desk at school and then the notes get sent home. She is truly addicted... Please, do another tour this fall....We missed PA's....A Mom of a Whimpy Kid Addict...
I am going to get the book dog days as soon as it comes out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love this book already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i have a dog and i would love to see how greg spends his summer!!!!!!!!!
awsome I read the books over and over.cant waitfor diary of a wimpy kid dog days
Jeff -
My son and I started reading the books last winter, and I was struck by how familiar the stories sounded -- especially when Crossland H.S. was mentioned. Not 2 days later I got an alumni e-mail from BHMS. I was blown away!!!! I had no idea you went to McNamara AND Maryland! My brother went to McNamara, and I went to La Reine and Maryland. If you're ever in San Francisco for a book tour, please contact us. I understand you do not make school appearances, but if that changes, my son's school in SF would love to have you.
We can't wait for Book 4!
Take care -
Karen Bryant
Iv'e read the entire series and all my friends are borrowing the books because they are so good!! CAN'T WAIT FOR 4TH BOOK!!!!
I can't NOT WAIT your books are the best, where do you get all these great ideas!!!!!
Me Too!
I can't believe book 4 is already of the 5 book series of diary of a whimpy kid is already out! It is the best book that u can ever read! you cant stop reading this book once you've started you get hooked on it!
I love this book series, and I can't wait for this one to come out! P.S. How many diaries is Greg going to write? I want more.
Sweeeeett.... i can't wait for your forth BOOK!!!!! :D
OMG!!!! Da 4th book is coming OUT!! Hope the book reach ASAP in Malaysia!!!!When will the 5th book launch?
Must ..... stop .............screamiing!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I only need THAT one and i have THE WHOLE collection. I must be exused for i am gonna get a spank from my mom.
Thanks for the blog post Jeff. I Like it! I hope you can't wait for Next book to come out. Plus, in October, Make a blog post like 'Book 5 has a title!' Book 5 is called "My Last Year" Maybe it will come out: February 10 2010. Enjoy writing Book 4: Dog Days!
I wish Greg's parents would stop babying Manny
I'm super duper excited about this book - I can't wait! Connor from Canada
Is it true there's going to be a sixth book called 'My New Life' or is it just a Common Wikipedia False-facticator?
i love diary of a wimpy kids books
Just asking, is there going to be more DOAWK* after "My last year"?
*Diary Of A Wimpy Kid
i cant wait!
please come to KCMO!!!!!!!!
My son just loves your books. He keeps re-reading them. That's what he did with his summer. Pre-ordered the book for him. Can't wait to give it to him.
I can't wait for book 4 and an idea for the next book like Diary of a Wimpy kid Dudes In A Rare Year because if you take each first word and put it together in order it spells DIARY.
I can' wait!
I can't not wait! Diary of a Wimpy Kid is my favorite series! Please do more than 5 books though!
This is so cool!!!!!
This is going to be the best book eveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
can u come to Orlando Florida to stone lakes elamentery school on October 5th becuse thats my brith day and i need dog days
cant wait plz plz plz plz do 10 book they are soooooooooo good
do 10 books
cant wait intil it comes out
Wow!!!!I sure am looking forward to the 4th episode! I have read all the first three episodes and iI thing they are awesome!
i love this book i want it so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cool! im micah.7 years old.i love
your books! my big sister reagan
told me about it because i was lo-
oking for a good book. belivive it
or not i started on book 3!!!!!!
than 2!!!! than 1!!!! backwards.
been watien for dog days! i have
my own website at...www.churchmice.wordpress.com
cant wait! i want to order the book from my school's book order so i can get it on the day it comes out!
awesome yea! keep writing Kinney!
love diary of a wimpy kid! cant wait!!!
I am so exited to read your new book!!!!!
OMG Cant Wait!! Mr. Kinney, You are AMAZING!! Do you do the drawings too? WOW. Oh Its 10:28 PM id better get to bed XD bye WRITE ON!!!
Hi, Mr Jeff Kinney.
I love your wimpy kids books.
Thanks alot for those books and the event kit.
I've printed out the event kit, it's real COOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!
This is going to be one of the best books ever.
greg rocks!
i read all his diarys
good job kenny
ooo i am gonna go buy..be right back
the book has space on my shelf already
i cant whate till this book coes out all the others were good
can,t whTE
Just wanted to let you know that my son Dylan is 8 years old and came home with the first book on a Monday....by Tuesday afternoon he told me he read the entire book. I really didn't believe him until he convinced me to go to Books a Million and buy another one.....Well now that he has read all three in a a weeks time I am amazed and can tell you that he really loves your books. I am proud of him, and glad you have wrote something he can enjoy! Thanks!! I can't wait to tell him about the new book. Are you coming to Alabama?
Just wanted to let you know that my son Dylan is 8 years old and came home with the first book on a Monday....by Tuesday afternoon he told me he read the entire book. I really didn't believe him until he convinced me to go to Books a Million and buy another one.....Well now that he has read all three in a a weeks time I am amazed and can tell you that he really loves your books. I am proud of him, and glad you have wrote something he can enjoy! Thanks!! I can't wait to tell him about the new book. Are you coming to Alabama?
I hope book 4 is better than book 3. Book three was suckish!
This book sucks
dear mr. kinny, you're my FAVORITE author!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just LOVE all of your books! normally, i do not like to read because all of the books for my age of kids are really dull. i like your books because they are good to read for my age group and are actually intreresting, and don't put me to sleep:-). i can't wait for diary of a wimpy kid 4 to come out!!!! GOOD LUCK AND CONGRADULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
=)<3 +
sweet your book is the best diary ever!!!! i mean journal....
Are making diary of a wimpy kid an online game since I watch your borders interview and you said you might I think you should that seems awsome!
Dear Mr.Kinny,
I absolutely LOVE your books. most of the books for my age group are really boring and they put me to sleep... but not yours!!!!! you are definately my favorite author! thank you and good luck!!!
your #1 fan,
hi jeff i drew all the book s u made diary of a wimpy kid 1 2 3 and 4.
p.s. what is diary of a wimpy kid 5
Ownage i cant wait tell then my bros preordering it this is going to be so cool. my bros b-day is also on oct. 12 he loves the seris and so do i. lol!!!!!!!!!!!! the books r so funny this one is probably going to be the best one! this is cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool awesome cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool PEACE out homeboys:)
bet his summer is gonna be wimpy
My 2nd grader can't wait for Dog Days. He's been counting the days. I'm so glad we found your books. He's read them all at least 3 times each. Would you consider coming to Florida on your tour???????? We're near Miami, but I'd drive to Orlando if need be. LOL
I can't wait until book 4 comes out! I hope it's a good book! I'm really looking forward to reading this!
Awesome! I'm gonna try to buy it the day it comes out! If not, I'd have Pre-Orderd it! I'm so curious to see how Greg spends his Summer Vacation! I have all tho other books, too! (Even the D-I-Y Book!)
Greg Heffly makes the best books everrrrr. AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awesome! I'm gonna try to buy it the day it comes out! If not, I'd have Pre-Orderd it! I'm so curious to see how Greg spends his Summer Vacation! I have all tho other books, too! (Even the D-I-Y Book!)
Greg Heffley makes the best books everrrrrrrr!!!!!!
my friends said that is was going to be called summer vacation and what is going to be the
name for the fith one
there should be a diary of a wimpy kid movie
i can't wait for thiss!! arrggh...~~ XD XD
I am so glad that there is a new book coming out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my friends said it would be called summer vacation
what is book 5 going to look like
October 11th is my B-day. It'll be my present to myself (and probably the best one I'll get).
I love Diary of a Wimpy Kid. I read it every night. I have all of them and I can't wait to buy the last one on October 12. I also have Diary of a Wimpy Kid do it yourself and I love it.
I think Greg can learn a kung fu style called Zui Quan, which means "drunken fist."
I can't wait!!!!!! I was just at the National Book Festival and you signed my poster!!!!
wow thats so cool ive read all of the books and they are realy cool and i love the idea of putting him in the SUMMER i HAVE notised that all the other books have him "right smack in the middle of SHCOOL" so i cant wait to see how his SUMMER gets him down in the bumps because, well hes alays down in the bumps of coures
your fan, someone who loves ur books.
oh yea
uh huh
im so cra-z
whooo baby!
i wish i could never stop typeing!!
i need to stop now huh?
ok c u later
(uh huh book 4)
ican't wait for i to come out. that wimpy kid book must be better than the other but i love them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ha, can't wait! I have every book excpet Last Straw, which I read at my school library. My last middle school year will be the 2010-2011 year too (at least I think that's Greg's last year...).
I lagged behind in writing in the journal part of the D-I-Y book, so I was inspired to start it in my own notebook. Ha, it can make life much more funny with the right art elements!
But really. Great book series! A girl I like showed me funbrain back in grade 4, and I was the only one to read Diary of a Wimpy Kid. But now I got everyone into it at my school when it was published! Can't wait for Dog Days! --Joey
Dear Jeff,
You rock. I love your books and i think tou are the best arthur of our genaration. I relate to you books alot. On my first day of Middle school i went into the bathrom to wash my hands after lunch and i looked at the first stall and there was NOT a door just like greg said. I said to myself Greg was right. It turns out they where just replacing the door but it was still freeky. I took a test at school and i im in a advance reading level but i still LOVE to read you books. I read my favorite pages of them all on saturday and sunday. I got hooked on yurbooks in a werd way my mom said i could get a book for getting a really good grade on a test so i was lookig on a website and i saw diary of a wimpy kid and said to myself i dont think mom would like me having a book with Wimpy on the cover in huge letters so i just went along with my buisness thin 15 miutes latter my mom said "i have a cupon for a book called Diary Of a Wimpy Kid. why dont you look at that book and see if you like it." so i told her i already looked at it and i wanted. so she took me to the store and i got it read it then fell in LOVE with it. And after i read it i told or liberry about itand they orderd it for the school. So i'm the one who got my school hooked on the Diary Of a Wimpy Kid books.
Your biggest fan EVER,
Sam Goodreau
will you come to St.Louis????????? PLEASE???????????????????
I love diry of a wimpy kid books can't wait!!!!!
Yes!!! I love this series!!!! The books are histarical!!!
Maybe when Holly Hills visits the vacation Trista and Holly Hills might fight about Greg and Rowley
Maybe when Holly Hills visits the vacation Trista and Holly Hills might fight about Greg and Rowley
OMG OMG!!!!!
is it true! My traing has prepared me for this moment..... OMG!!! I am a great fan of your books
your third book was so.... AWSOME!!!! keep up the good work
this book will be awesome ican complete my series i hope the series never ends i already ordered the newest book
I'm getting this so called "Diary" in my book order. Can't wait.
By, Connor Anderson
I you guys like the book series Diary of a Wimpy kid check out this website It is super cool:
Are you going to make one about greg in highschool
I was thinking that you should start on a project to make the series into a DS or DSi game. I bet lots of people would buy it.
I think Greg can get rid of his wimpyness with Zui Quan, which means Drunken Fist. This kung fu style can be eazy to learn for him. I think when Greg is in 9th grade, you can make the sixth book that can be called Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Drunken Heffley.
thats so great!!! I can't wait till the book comes out!!!!!!!!
i love your series so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me and a bounch of my firends are going to the mall to the mall to get this book can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just ordered your new book! i hope it's good!
I love Diary of a wimpy kid I reminds me of my brother in middle school
We here at Ramona Elementary in Los Angeles can't wait until "Dog Days" comes out!!!
I can't wait to see what Gregory does in this book. All of your books, including this one, are great! I can't wait to read this book. I can't wait until Gregory goes back to school. I wonder what Gregory is going to do this summer? I wonder if Gregory is going to go on vacation? I hope this is another best seller! I hopt this book is better, or just as good, as your last book. Are you going to write another one? I hope you are. I'm really excited to read your book. The book is going to rock! I hope the book is funny. The world awaits on your book! Diary of a Wimpy Kid rules! I wonder how many people are going to buy this book? I hope to meet you someday. I hope you have a lot of good drawings in this book. I hope there is a new character. I hope you had fun writing the book. The world loves you! Thank you for putting all of your hard work into these books!
Diary of a Wimpy Kid rocks!
when will the book come out?
Diary of a wimpy kid is first, the Rodrick Rules is second, then The Do it yourself book (which is not actually after Rodrick Rules, it was made so that you could make your own journal like Greg, and it was made after Rodrick Rules), then The Last Straw, The next WAS going to be called bummer vacation, but got changed to dog days coming October 13 Canada, October 12 US, then there is my last year coming February 2010. Then the movie is coming out based and it will be live action. Then My New Life is coming out after that. That's the whole series so far.
When does it come out in paperback!!!
Anyways, I am so excited!!!
I can't to read this book because I read and have all three of your books.I also going to read and buy this book too.
Does anyone know when will the book come out in paperback?
I am so excited for the book to come out! I readall the other books at least 20 times each!
.I can't wait. GO WIMPY KIDS.
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN NOT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!
I hope it comes out great like "The Last Straw"
I hope it comes out great like the latest ones! woot! Hooray! =)
kool!! i do have a question, though... why did you put 'kathy nguyen' in ur 1st book? that happens to be my FULL name, and i'm getting teased at school for this...
I want to get it in the mourning before school but mom won't let me.
CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think Greg can get rid of his wimpyness with Zui Quan, which is a kung fu style.
You have got to come to the east coast! My son is obsessed!
My son can't wait! Please make sure to get started on 5. Thanks in advance!
Get this, I got a pre-order on the book and I can't wait for the book to be out during 13th to 15th oct.
More posts! More, more, more.
omg I came here when I looked up diary of a wimpy kid on wikipeida.
I read about carikters(i can not spell caricters)i better let u get on with ur lives
I really am excited for the new book .I just got a new dog and I m dyng to read all 4.
the next is my last year.
betha itz purple.
lov d.o.a.w.k.!
cover funny as last strawz!
or mayby shorun-ru.
karati(cant speel that either!)
i lik u sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much u rote dis book "dogs day"
3 more days!
come on jeff, after my last year can you make some with him in high?
I M SO MAD THAT THE SERIZE WILL END IN 2010!(well probably)
ugh!so boring waiting.
at least 3 moore dayz of suffering.
this message will NOT self destruckt(no cant spell that)in 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1.
see! nothin...BOOM!
Me and my friends love diary of a wimpy kid so much i never get board of it ever cant wait for 4 and 5!!!!!!!!!
i orded the book cam't whate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cant wait three days i cant wait. i going to read them all again until it comes out. Book #5 comes out in 2010 it is purple i think.
It's awesome and I can't wait!!!!
Can you come to Leduc, Alberta, Canada for your tour 2? That would be amazing!
my school library has it already but they are all signed out.
I Can't Wait please bring it out today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE DIARY OF A WIMPY KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't wait!!!! I have all the books,including the Do-it-yourself!!!! I have this one ordered through my school's Scholastic Book Club.
Thanks for writing all these GREAT books!!!!!
I just want to know if there is an eReader version (for sony eReader, Kindle, bebook, etc). My son loves your books, and I thought about getting him the whole series on an eReader for Christmas. Thanks for writing books my son enjoys.
Jeff is launching his book tour here in Providence.I'm taking my kids to see him.I'm glad for these books-my boys love them!
im a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg fan.
im a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg fan
Im a big fan
Im a big fan
aww i cant come :(
OMG!!!!!!!! I can't wait till i get that book!!!! It looks awesome!!!! I'm gonna get it the first "dog" day it comes out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait!!!!!!!!!
will this include in Australia as well?
it comes out tommarow will it be in stores by tommarow????
omg i cant wait
I love the series and i really thought jeff kinney had out done himself in the last straw but once i saw dog days was comming out oh man i want to get it the day it comes out!!!!
I have to get this book, i need it so much im getting it as early as a can!!!:D
are you coming to dhaka? please! everyone in our school talks about your books ALL the time. you are our hero. come on jeff!
btw, where do you find an online version?
you are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The book is going to be great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can't wait to read the book.you are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow! I am so ecited that you have writen these books because all middleschoolers can relate. I am definately your biggest fan!!!!!!!!! keep on wrriting!!!!!
My son picked up the book today and received a bonus. When the local Borders received the box of #4 there was a T shirt inside. the first per order to pick up the book received the T shirt and it was my son.
Woo Hoo and it looks good too!.
i just got it today and am dieing to read it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love 4
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